Learn about VBA Arrays


Learn about VBA Arrays

Sometimes, developers are in a position to hold more than one value in a single variable at a time. When a series of values are stored in a single variable, then it is known as an array variable.

In VBA, an array is a data structure that allows you to store multiple values in a single variable, where each value is identified by an index or subscript. Arrays are useful when you need to work with lists or groups of related values, such as numbers, strings, or other data types.

Key Concepts of VBA Arrays

  1. Declaring an Array: To declare an array, you use the Dim statement along with the parentheses to indicate the number of elements in the array.

  1. Array Indexing: In VBA, arrays are zero-based by default, meaning that the first element is at index 0. You can access each element using its index.

  1. Types of Arrays:
    • Fixed-Size Array: The size of the array is defined at the time of declaration and cannot be changed during execution.

    • Dynamic Array: The size of the array can be changed during execution using the ReDim statement.

For More Explain : In Point no. 1 we declaration arr(5) but now to resize array we declare ReDim arr(10) for hold 11 elements.

  1. Multi-Dimensional Arrays: Arrays can have more than one dimension. For example, a two-dimensional array resembles a table or grid.

  1. Using ReDim to Resize Arrays: Dynamic arrays can be resized with the ReDim keyword, and if you want to preserve the current data while resizing, you use ReDim Preserve.

  1. Looping Through an Array: You can use a For loop to iterate through each element of an array.

Example of Working with Arrays:

Here’s a VBA example that demonstrates how to declare, populate, and iterate through an array:


  1. What is the difference between a static and a dynamic array in VBA?

Answer: A static array has a fixed number of elements defined at declaration and cannot be resized later. A dynamic array, on the other hand, is declared without specifying the size and can be resized using the ReDim statement.

  1. How do you declare a dynamic array in VBA and resize it later?

Answer: Declare it without specifying the size, like

Dim myArray() As Integer

, and later resize it using

ReDim myArray(5).

  1. What is the purpose of Preserve when resizing an array?

Answer: Preserve is used to keep the existing data when resizing a dynamic array. For example:

This keeps the existing elements and resizes the array to accommodate new values.

  1. How do you create a multi-dimensional array in VBA?

Answer: Use multiple dimensions in the declaration, like Dim myArray(2, 3) As String, which creates a 3×4 table structure that can store strings.

  1. How do you loop through an array in VBA?

Answer: You can use a For loop, iterating through the array indices. For a one-dimensional array:

LBound and UBound are used to determine the lower and upper bounds of the array, respectively.

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