Learning about MID Function


Learning about VBA MID function

In this Article we will learn about following poing

  1. Introduction & syntax of VBA MID function
  2. VBA Code for Extracting a substring
  3. VBA Code for Extract to the End of the String
  4. VBA Code for Dynamic Length Based on String


The VBA Mid function is used in Microsoft Excel VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to extract a substring from a string. It is useful for manipulating text and extracting portions of a string based on specific positions.


Mid(string, start, [length])


  1. String

The string from which you want to extract a substring.

(Type: String, Required)

2. Start:

The position in the string where the extraction begins (1-based index).

(Type: Integer, Required)

3. Length (optional):

The number of characters to extract. If omitted, Mid will return the substring from the starting position to the end of the string.

(Type: Integer, Optional)


A String containing the specified substring


  1. Extracting a substring in VBA MID Function 

VBA Code:

Sub example()

Dim mystring As String

mystring = "Hello, Mr. Vijay"

MsgBox Mid(mystring, 8, 9)

End Sub

Explaination: Extracts 9 characters starting from position 8 in "Hello, Mr.Vijay”

2. Extract to the End of the String in VBA MID Function

VBA Code:

Sub example2()

Dim mystring As String

mystring = "Excel VBA Programing"

MsgBox Mid(mystring, 7)

End Sub

Explanation: Extracts from position 7 to the end of the string.

3. Dynamic Length Based on String in VBA MID Function

VBA Code:

Sub exmaple3()

Dim mystring As String

mystring = "data Analysis"

Dim lengthofsubstring As Integer

lengthofsubstring = Len(mystring) - 5

MsgBox Mid(mystring, 6, lengthofsubstring)

End Sub

Explanation: Dynamically calculates the length of the substring to extract from position 6.


  • The start position is 1-based (not 0-based like some other programming languages).
  • If the start is greater than the length of the string, Mid returns an empty string.
  • If the length exceeds the number of characters remaining in the string, Mid returns the characters from the starting position to the end of the string.

VBA Code Excel File for Download 

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