Learn about Type Mismatch VBA


Learn about Type Mismatch VBA

In This Article, we will lear about following topic of Type Mismatch in VBA

  1. When occur Type Mismatch error
  2. Assigning an Incompatible Value to a Variable
  3. Incorrect Use of Worksheet Cells or Ranges
  4. Using Variant Arrays Incorrectly
  5. Mixing Data Types in Mathematical Operations
  6. Using Application.Match and WorksheetFunction.Match
  7. Using Invalid Date
  8. Use Variant Data Type for Uncertain Types
  9. Explicitly Convert Data Types
  10. Debugging with Type name and var Type


A “Type Mismatch” error in VBA (Error 13) occurs when you try to assign a value to a variable, or pass an argument to a function, that is not compatible with the variable’s data type. This can happen for several reasons, such as attempting to assign a string to an integer variable, trying to perform mathematical operations on non-numeric data, or referencing data that doesn’t fit the expected type.

Common Causes of Type Mismatch Errors

  1. Assigning an Incompatible Value to a Variable.

If you try to assign a value that doesn’t match the variable’s declared data type, VBA will throw a “Type Mismatch” error.

VBA Code:

Sub errortype1()

Dim number As Integer

number = "Hello" ' Error: "hello" is a string, not an integer

MsgBox number

End Sub

When we execute this code then this error will come:

2. Incorrect Use of Worksheet Cells or Ranges

Cells and ranges can contain data types other than what you expect. If you assign a cell’s value to a variable with an incompatible data type, this can trigger the error.

VBA Code:

Sub errortype2()

Dim number As Integer

number = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value ' Error if A1 contains text

End Sub

3. Using Variant Arrays Incorrectly

If a Variant array contains mixed data types, referencing it as a specific data type can cause a mismatch.

VBA Code:

Sub errortype3()

Dim myArray As Variant

myArray = Array(1, "text", 3) ' Array contains mixed types

Dim number As Integer

number = myArray(1) ' Error: Trying to assign "text" to an integer

End Sub

4. Mixing Data Types in Mathematical Operations

Performing operations on incompatible types, such as trying to add a number to a string that can’t be converted to a number, can cause a mismatch.

VBA Code:

Sub errortype4()

Dim result As Double

result = "hello" + 5 ' Error: Cannot add a number to a non-numeric string

End Sub

5. Using Application.Match and WorksheetFunction.Match

If Match fails to find a match, it returns Error 2042, which cannot be directly assigned to a variable of any other data type, causing a Type Mismatch.

VBA Code:

Sub errortype5()

Dim result As Double

result = Application.Match("Item", Range("A1:A10"), 0) ' Error if "Item" is not found

End Sub

6. Passing Incompatible Arguments to Functions or Procedures

When calling a function or procedure, passing an argument that doesn’t match the expected parameter type will cause this error.

VBA Code:

Sub TestSub(ByVal number As Integer)

MsgBox number

End Sub

TestSub "text" ' Error: "text" is not an integer

7. Using Invalid Date

If we use invalid date format then error will come. In below example we explained which one is valid or which one are invalid.

VBA Code:

Sub errortype7()

Dim curDate As Date

' - These are all valid

curDate = "12/12/2024"

curDate = "12-12-2024"

curDate = #12/12/2024#

curDate = "11/Aug/2024"

curDate = "11/Augu/2024"

curDate = "11/Augus/2024"

curDate = "11/August/2024"

curDate = "19/11/2024"

curDate = "11/19/2024"

curDate = "1/1"

curDate = "1/2024"

' Type Mismatch

curDate = "19/19/2024"

curDate = "19/Au/2024"

curDate = "19/Augusta/2024"

curDate = "August"

End Sub

How to Handle Type Mismatch Errors

8. Use Variant Data Type for Uncertain Types

If a variable’s data type isn’t certain (for example, if it could be text or numeric), you can declare it as Variant. Variant can handle different data types but may use more memory.

VBA Code:

Sub solution1()

Dim value As Variant

value = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").value ' No mismatch, regardless of A1’s content

MsgBox value

End Sub

9. Use IsNumeric to Check for Numeric Values

Before assigning a cell value to a numeric variable, check that it’s numeric.

VBA Code:

Sub Solution2()

Dim number As Integer

If IsNumeric(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").value) Then

number = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").value


MsgBox "The value in A1 is not a number."

End If

End Sub

10. Handle Application.Match Results Carefully

Use the IsError function to check if Application.Match returned an error.

VBA Code:

Sub solution3()

Dim result As Variant

result = Application.Match("Item", Range("A1:A10"), 0)

If IsError(result) Then

MsgBox "Item not found"


MsgBox "Item found at position " & result

End If

End Sub

11. Explicitly Convert Data Types

Use functions like CInt, CDbl, CStr, etc., to convert data types before assigning them to variables.

VBA Code:

Sub solution4()

Dim number As Integer

number = CInt(Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").value) ' Convert value to integer if possible

End Sub

13. Debugging with TypeName and VarType

Use TypeName and VarType to check a variable’s type during runtime. This can be useful in debugging to understand the actual data type of variables.

VBA Code:

Sub solution5()

Dim myVar As Variant

myVar = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").value

MsgBox "The type of myVar is " & TypeName(myVar)

End Sub

Example of Error Handling with Type Mismatch

Here’s an example of handling a “Type Mismatch” error:

Sub SafeTypeHandling()

Dim number As Integer

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Set up error handling

number = CInt("text") ' This will cause a Type Mismatch error

Exit Sub


If Err.number = 13 Then

MsgBox "Type Mismatch error: Cannot convert to integer."


MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred: " & Err.Description

End If


End Sub

Note: In this example:

  • On Error GoTo ErrorHandler directs VBA to the ErrorHandler section if a Type Mismatch error occurs.
  • The code checks Err.Number to see if it’s 13 (Type Mismatch) and displays a message accordingly.

Q and A 

  1. What is a Type Mismatch error in VBA?

Answer:Type Mismatch error occurs in VBA when you attempt to assign a value to a variable or perform an operation that is incompatible with the variable’s data type. For example, trying to assign a string value to an integer variable would trigger a Type Mismatch error (Error 13).

2. How can you identify a Type Mismatch error in VBA?

Answer: Type Mismatch error is identified when VBA throws a runtime error with the code 13. This usually happens during code execution, and the VBA debugger will highlight the line causing the error.

3. What are some common causes of a Type Mismatch error?

Answer: Common causes include:

  • Assigning a string to a numeric variable.
  • Using an object variable without setting it (e.g., missing Set keyword for objects).
  • Attempting to perform mathematical operations on incompatible data types, such as adding text to a number.
  • Using a function that returns a type incompatible with the expected result.

4. How can you avoid Type Mismatch errors in VBA?

Answer: To avoid Type Mismatch errors:

  • Use explicit variable declarations with Dim and specify the data type (e.g., Dim x As Integer).
  • Validate data types before performing operations or assigning values.
  • Use type conversion functions like CInt, CDbl, or CStr to convert data to the expected type.
  • Implement error handling with On Error Resume Next and check for errors.

5. Can you provide an example of a Type Mismatch error and its solution?


> Example of a Type Mismatch error:

Sub TypeMismatch_1()
Dim num As Integer
num = "Hello"      ' Type Mismatch error: assigning a string to an integer variable
End Sub

> Solution: Convert the data to the expected type or validate it:

Sub Corrected_1()
Dim num As Integer
Dim strValue As String
strValue = "123"
num = CInt(strValue)     ' Convert the string to an integer
End Sub

For better understand this topic, we have to know about following topic

  1. VBA Data Types
  2. Declaring Variable

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