Learn about Excel VBA Find


Learn about Excel VBA Find

The Find method is a powerful tool in Excel VBA that helps you locate a specific value within a range of cells. When a match is found, Find returns a Range object that points to the first cell with the value you’re looking for. If no match is found, it returns Nothing, which lets you handle cases when the search fails.

Syntax for Find:

Range.Find(What, After, LookIn, LookAt, SearchOrder, SearchDirection, MatchCase, MatchByte, SearchFormat)

Each parameter in the Find method provides specific search options. Here are the key parameters you’ll work with most often:

Key Parameters in Find

  • What: The value to search for. This is the only required parameter. It can be a string, a number, or any data type that might exist in the cells.
  • After: A Range object where the search should begin, like Range(“A1”). If omitted, it starts from the first cell in the range.
  • LookIn: Specifies what to search for, either:
  • xlValue (default) to search based on cell values (like the actual text or number).
  • Xlformulas: to search based on cell formulas.
  • LookAt: Defines the type of match:
  • Xlwhole: to find cells that match the entire content.
  • Xlpart: to find cells containing the specified values as part of the content.
  • SearchOrder: Determines the direction of the search:
  • xlByRows: (default) searches row-by-row.
  • xlByColumns searches column-by-column.
  • Search Direction: Direction for the search after each match:
  • xlNext (default) searches forward.
  • xlPrevious searches backward.
  • MatchCase: If set to True, the search is case-sensitive.

Example Basic Find Code

Here’s an example to find the first occurrence of a value in a specified range:

Sub findexample()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim searchrange As Range
Dim foundcell As Range
Dim searchvalue As String

' set worksheet and range
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set searchrange = ws.Range("A1:A100")

' value to search for
serachvalue = "YourValueHere"

'perform the search

Set foundcell = searchrange.Find(what:=serachvalue, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlWhole)

'check if found
If Not foundcell Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Value found in cell:" & foundcell.Address
MsgBox "Value not find"
End If

End Sub


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Explanation of Each Step:

  1. Define the Range: The searchRange variable is assigned a specific range, in this case, cells A1 through A100 in Sheet1.
  2. Set the Search Value: searchValue is defined as the value to search for.
  3. Run the Find Method: Find searches within searchRange for searchValue. It returns the first matching cell in foundCell.
  4. Check Results: If a match is found, foundCell is not Nothing, and we display the cell address in a message box. Otherwise, if no match is found, we notify the user.

Searching for Multiple Occurrences: FindNext

If you need to locate multiple instances of a value within a range, you can use FindNext in a loop. FindNext continues the search from the last match found.

Here’s how to modify the Find code to find all occurrences of a value:

Explanation of Each Step

  1. Define First Match: Find locates the first instance, storing its address in firstAddress.
  2. Loop to Find All Matches:
  • The Do…Loop structure finds subsequent matches with FindNext.
  • FindNext continues until:
  1. A Nothing result indicates no more matches.
  2. The address of the next found cell matches firstAddress, meaning the loop has returned to the starting point.
  3. Output Found Cells: The code outputs the address of each matching cell. You can replace this with any action, like storing results in an array or applying a format.

Handling Case-Sensitivity and Partial Matches

You can use additional parameters to control the search further:

  • Case-Sensitive Search: Set MatchCase:=True to make the search case-sensitive.
  • Partial Matches: Use LookAt:=xlPart to find cells that contain the search value as part of the cell content.


Set foundCell = searchRange.Find(What:=searchValue, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart, MatchCase:=True)

Practical Tips

  • Avoid Infinite Loops: Always store the first address found and compare each subsequent match to it to prevent looping indefinitely.
  • Clear Previous Search Settings: If using Find multiple times, Excel may retain previous settings, so specify each parameter in every Find statement to avoid unexpected results.

Example for Practice:

    1. Finding a Cell and Highlighting It

This example searches for a specific value in a range and highlights the cell with a yellow background if the value is found.

    1. Finding and Replacing All Occurrences

This example searches for a value and replaces it with a new value throughout the specified range.


Q and A

Q1. How does the Find method work in Excel VBA, and what does it return?

Answer: The Find method in Excel VBA is used to search within a specified range for a value or pattern. It returns a Range object that represents the first cell where the search value is found. If the value is not found, Find returns Nothing. You can use this result to identify where specific data is located or to check whether a value exists in a range.

Here’s a simple example:

Q2. What are the main parameters of the Find method, and how do they affect the search?

Answer: The main parameters of the Find method are:

  • What: The value you’re looking for in the range. This parameter is required.
  • LookIn: Specifies whether to search for values (xlValues) or formulas (xlFormulas).
  • LookAt: Determines if Find should match the whole cell content (xlWhole) or if a partial match is acceptable (xlPart).
  • SearchOrder: Defines the search direction, either by rows (xlByRows) or by columns (xlByColumns).
  • SearchDirection: Sets the search direction from the starting point, either forward (xlNext) or backward (xlPrevious).
  • MatchCase: If set to True, the search is case-sensitive.

These parameters allow you to tailor the search to your needs. For instance, setting LookAt:=xlPart helps locate cells containing the search text within other text, and MatchCase:=True ensures case sensitivity.

Q3. How can I use FindNext to locate multiple occurrences of a value?

Answer: You can use FindNext in a loop to continue searching for additional occurrences of a value after the first match. FindNext resumes the search after the last found cell, continuing until all matches are found. Here’s how:

This loop continues until FindNext cycles back to the first match (stored in firstAddress), avoiding an infinite loop.

Q4. Can Find search for values across multiple columns or rows?

Answer: Yes! Find can search across multiple columns or rows if you specify a multi-column or multi-row range. By setting the SearchOrder parameter, you can control whether it searches row-by-row (xlByRows) or column-by-column (xlByColumns).

For example, to search in a multi-column range row-by-row:

For more clarity you can visit on below link

  1. Use of IF Function
  2. Data Type Like String, Range, Worksheet 

External Link

  1. Range.Find Method in Excel


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