Learn about VBA Function


Learn about VBA Function

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) functions are used to perform operations in Microsoft Office applications like Excel, Access, and Word. These functions can be built-in or user-defined. Below is an overview of different types of VBA functions:

1. Built-in Functions

VBA has many built-in functions that cover a wide range of needs. Some of the commonly used categories of built-in functions include:

A. String Functions

> Len: Returns the length of a string

  • Left: Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string

  • Right: Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string

  • Mid: Returns a substring starting at a specific position in a string

B. Mathematical Functions

Mathematical functions are useful for calculations, financial models, and data transformations:

  • ABS: Returns the absolute value in a number:

  • Sqr: return the square value

  • Round: Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.

C. Date and Time Functions

Use this functions for operations that involves time –sensitive data, scheduling or data-based calculation:

  • Date: Returns the correct date

  • Now: Returns the current date and time.

  • DateAdd: Adds a specified time interval to a date

  • Date Diff: return the difference between two dates.

D. Worksheets function via VBA

You can access Excel’s powerful worksheet functions from VBA using

Application.WorksheetFunction. Here are a few examples:

  • Vlookup : how we can use vlookup function in VBA.

  • IIF: Return one of two value based on condition.

  • Sum: this is worksheet function

These functions help automate and extend functionality in Excel VBA, supporting a wide range of applications.

Q and A

Q1. How do I write a function in VBA to calculate the square of a number?

Answer: You can create a simple function to return the square of a number like this:

Q2. How can I check if a cell is empty using VBA?

Answer: Use the IsEmpty function to check if a cell is empty.

Q3. How do I find the last row with data in a specific column in VBA?

Answer: You can use the End property to find the last used row in a column. Here’s an example for column A:

Q4. How can I format a date to “MM-DD-YYYY” format in VBA?

Answer: Use the Format function to convert the date format.


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