Learn about VBA STRING Function
Excel VBA provides a variety of string functions that help manipulate and analyze text. Here are the commonly used VBA string functions with examples:
Function | Description | Example |
Len | Returns the length of a string. | Len(“Hello”) → 5 |
Left | Extracts characters from the left. | Left(“Hello”, 2) → He |
Right | Extracts characters from the right. | Right(“Hello”, 2) → lo |
Mid | Extracts a substring from a specific position. | Mid(“Hello”, 2, 3) → ell |
UCase | Converts to uppercase. | UCase(“Hello”) → HELLO |
LCase | Converts to lowercase. | LCase(“Hello”) → hello |
Trim | Removes leading and trailing spaces. | Trim(” Hello “) → Hello |
Replace | Replaces occurrences of a substring. | Replace(“I like VBA”, “VBA”, “Excel”) → I like Excel |
InStr | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring. | InStr(1, “Hello, World!”, “World”) → 8 |
StrReverse | Reverses the string. | StrReverse(“Hello”) → olleH |
Space | Creates a string with a specified number of spaces | Space(5) → ” “ |
- Len (Length of a String)
- Purpose: Return the number of a characters in a string (including space)
- Syntax: Len(String)
Sub string_1() Dim str As Variant str = "Hello! I am VBA" MsgBox Len(str) 'out put result will be 15 End Sub
2. Left (Extract Leftmost Character)
- Purpose: Extract a specified number of a characters from the beginning of a string.
- Syntax: Left(string, length)
Sub String_2() Dim str As Variant str = "Hello! I am VBA" MsgBox Left(str, 5) 'out put result will be "Hello" End Sub
3. Right (Extract Rightmost Characters)
- Purpose: Extract a specified number of character from the end of a string.
- Syntax: Right(String , Length)
Sub String_3() Dim str As Variant str = "Hello! I am VBA" MsgBox Right(str, 3) 'out put result will be "VBA" End Sub
4. Mid (Extract Substring)
- Purpose: Extracts a substring from a string starting at a specified position
- Syntax: (String, Start, Length)
Sub String_4() Dim str As Variant str = "Hello! I am VBA" MsgBox Mid(str, 8, 5) 'out put result will be "I am" End Sub
5. InStr (Find Substring Position)
- What it does: Finds where a specific word or character starts in a string.
- When to use: To check if a string contains a certain word or find its position.
- Syntax: InStr( [strart], string1, string2, [compare])
Sub String_5() Dim str As Variant str = "Hello! I am VBA" MsgBox InStr(1, str, "VBA") 'out put result will be 13 End Sub
6. Replace (Replace Substring)
- What it does: Replaces one word or phrase with another.
- When to use: To fix errors or clean up text.
- Syntax: Replace(expression, find, replace, [start] , [count], [compare])
Sub String_6() Dim str As Variant str = "Hello! I am World " MsgBox Replace(str, "world", "VBA") 'out put result will be "Hello! I am VBA" End Sub
7. UCase (Convert to Uppercase)
- Purpose: Convert String in Uppercase
- Syntax: Ucase(String)
Sub String_7() Dim str As Variant str = "Hello! I am VBA MsgBox UCase(str) 'out put result will be "HELLO! I AM VBA" End Sub
8. LCase (Convert to Lowercase)
- Purpose: Convert String in Lowercase
- Syntax: LCase(String)
Sub String_8() Dim str As Variant str = "Hello! I am VBA " MsgBox LCase(str) 'out put result will be "hello! i am vba" End Sub
9. Trim (Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces)
- Purpose: Removes extra spaces at the start and end of a string.
- Syntax: Trim(String)
Sub String_9() Dim str As Variant str = " Hello VBA " MsgBox Trim(str) 'out put result will be "Hello VBA" End Sub
10. Space:
Use: The Space function fills a string with a specific number of spaces
Syntax: Space(string)
Sub String_10() Dim str As String str = "Vijay" MsgBox str & Space(3) & str 'This function is use for give space 'out put result will be "Vijay Vijay" End Sub
11. String:
Use : Creates a string with a specified character repeated a certain number of times.
Syntax: String(number,character)
Number − A required parameter. An integer value, which would be repeated for a specified number of times against the character parameter.
Character − A required parameter. Character value, which has to be repeated for a specified number of times.
Sub StringExample() MsgBox String(10, “A”) ‘ Result will be : AAAAAAAAAA End Sub
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