Table of Content

Unit 1. Core Financial Accounting (FI) configuration

Lesson 1: Managing Organizational Units in Financial Accounting (FI)

  • Exercise 1 : Create a Company Code
  • Exercise 2 : Assign a Company ID to the Company Code
  • Exercise 3 : Assign a Company Code to a Controlling Area

Lesson 2 : Checking the Basic Settings in New General Ledger (G/L) Accounting

  • Exercise 4 : Check the basic Settings in New G/L Accounting

Lesson 3 : Outlining the Variant Principle

Lesson 4 : Managing Fiscal Year Variants

  • Exercise 5 : Create and Maintain Fiscal Year Variants

Lesson 5 : Identifying the basic functionality of Currency keys and Exchange rate types.

Unit 2. Master Data

Lesson 6: Maintaining General Ledger (G/L) Accounts

  • Exercise 6: Create Account Groups for G/L Accounts

Lesson 7: Creating Profit Centers and Segments

  • Exercise 7: Create Profit Centers, Cost Centers and Segments

Lesson 8: Manging Customer and Vendor Accounts

  • Exercise 8: Create Account Group and Maintain Customer or Vendor Account Group.
  • Exercise 9: Maintain Field status Configuration.
  • Exercise 10. Define Sensitive Fields

Unit 3. Document Control

Lesson 9 : Configuring the header and line items of Financial Accounting (FI) Documents

  • Exercise 11: Create a Number Range and Document Type
  • Exercise 12: Classify the Document Type and Document Splitting
  • Exercise 13: Create a field status group and Assign it to a G/L Account.

Lesson 10: Managing Posting Periods

  • Exercise 14: Create and Maintain Posting Period Variants.

Lesson 11: Managing Posting Authorizations

  • Exercise 15: Create a Tolerance Group and Assign it to a User

Lesson 12: Create Simple Document in FI

  • Exercise 16 : Post FI Documents

Unit 4. Posting Control

Lesson 12: Analyzing Document Splitting

  • Exercise 17: Post a Document with Document Splitting

Lesson 13: Maintain Default Values

  • Exercise 18: Configuring Change Control

Lesson 14: Configuring Change Control

  • Exercise 19: Maintain the change control for a field.

Lesson 15: Configuring Document Reversal

  • Exercise 20: Post a Document Reversal

Lesson 16: Configuring Payment Term and Cash Discounts

  • Exercise 21: Maintain Term of Payment

Lesson 17: Maintaining Taxes and Tax Codes

  • Exercise 22: Create a Tax Code and Post a Customer invoice

Lesson 18: Posting Cross Company Code Transactions

  • Exercise 23: Configure Cross Code Transactions
  • Exercise 24 : Post and Display Cross Company Code Transactions

Lesson 19: Configuring Real-Time Integration

  • Exercise 25: Configure Real Time Integration Variant and Assign it to a Company Code.
  • Exercise 26: Enter a Cost Center Reposting

Unit 5. Financial Document Clearing

Lesson 20: Performing Open Item Clearing

  • Exercise 27: Clear an Account
  • Exercise 28: Post with Clearing

Lesson 21: Managing Payment Differences

  • Exercise 29: Managing Payment Differences

Lesson 22: Managing Exchange Rate Differences

Unit 6. SAP Simple Finance Add-on for SAP Business Suits powered by SAP HANA

Lesson 23: outlining the Benefits of the SAP Simple Finance Add-On


Unit 1: Automatic Payment

Lesson 1: Executing an Automatic Payment Run

Lesson 2: Using Bank Accounts

  • Exercise: Define a house Bank

Lesson 3: Modifying Master Records and Financial Accounting Documents

  • Exercise 2: Modify Vendor Master Records
  • Exercise 3: Enter Invoices for Automatic Payments

Lesson 4: Implementing SEPA

  • Exercise 4: Create and Display a SEPA Mendate

Lesson 5: Configuring the Payment Program

  • Exercise 5: Configuring the Payment Program

Lesson 6: Configure the Bank Selection

  • Exercise 6: Configure the Bank Selection

Lesson 7: Running the Payment Program

  • Exercise 7: Run The Payment Program

Lesson 8: Executing a Payment Run

  • Exercise 8: Executing a Payment Run

Unit 2: Dunning Program

Lesson 9: Executing the Dunning Program

Lesson 10: Updating Master Records and Financial Accounting Documents

  • Exercise 9: Modify a Customer Master Records
  • Exercise 10: Modify Financial Accounting Document for the Dunning Program

Lesson 11: Configure the Dunning Program

Lesson 12: Running the Dunning Program

  • Exercise 12: Modify dunning Program Parameters
  • Exercise 13: Execute a Dunning Run
  • Exercise 14: Edit a Dunning Proposal List
  • Exercise 15: Print a Dunning Notice

Unit 3: Correspondence

Lesson 15: Explain Correspondence

Lesson 16: Modifying Master Records

Lesson 17: Configuring Options for Correspondence Types

Lesson 18: Creating a Correspondence

  • Exercise 16: Create a Correspondence

Unit 4: Account Approach

Lesson 19: Outlining the Accounts Approach

  • Exercise 17: Create Sample Accounts for the Accounts

Approach and Change Financial Statement Version

Lesson 20: Processing Manual Posting in the Accounts Approach

  • Exercise 18: Post Previous using the Accounts Approach

Unit 5: Ledger Approach (Within New General Ledger Accounting)

Lesson 21: Outlining the Ledger Approach

  • Exercise 19: Post the Document without Valuation Differences
  • Exercise 20: Check General Ledger Settings of the General Ledger Approach

Lesson 22: Processing Manual Postings in the Ledger Approach

  • Exercise 21: Post Previous using the Ledger Approach

Unit 6: Financial Closing Overview and Basic Settings

Lesson 23: Explain the Periodic Closing Process

Unit 7: Financial Statements

Lesson 24: Managing Financial Statements

  • Exercise 22: Create Financial Statement

Lesson 25: Executing drilldown Reports

  • Exercise 23: Executing Drilldown Reports

Unit 8: Receivables and Payables

Lesson 26: Creating Balancing Confirmations

  • Exercise 24: Create a Balance Confirmation

Lesson 27: Managing the Foreign Currency Valuation

  • Exercise 25: Managing the Foreign Currency Valuation of Open Items

Lesson 28: Managing Value Adjustments

  • Exercise 26: Execute a Flat Rate Individual Value Adjustment

Lesson 29: Regrouping Receivables and Payables

  • Exercise 27: Regrouping Receivables According to Their Remaining Life

Unit 9: Accrual and Deferrals

Lesson 30: Posting Accrual and Deferrals

  • Exercise 28: Posting Accruals

Unit 10: Technical, Organizational and Documentary Closing Activities

Lesson 31: Managing Technical Steps During the Period End Closing Activities

Lesson 32: Executing the Balance Audit Trail

  • Exercise 29: Execute the Balance Audit Reports

Lesson 33: Posting Ledger Group Specific FI Documents

  • Exercise 30: Ledger Group Postings

Unit 11: Financial Closing Cockpit

Lesson 33: Managing The Financial Closing Cockpit

  • Exercise 31: Manage The Financial Closing Cockpit



  1. Hi Vijay

    I am preparing for SAp FI certification exam. Is this book helpful to prepare for the exam and how do I get that book.

    • Hi Radhika

      Book is good for increase level of understanding. but when i attempted for exam, i completed around 500 question, which was more benificial for clear this fi exam.
      so if you read and understand more than 500 question then it will be better. otherwise book is so much lenthi. i gave that book around 4 month.


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