Learn about Excel VBA Objects


Learn about Excel VBA Objects



In VBA, an object represents a component of Excel that you can interact with through programming. Everything in Excel that you work with, such as a workbook, worksheet, chart, or cell, is an object.

Objects are like real-world items: they have attributes (properties), can do actions (methods), and can respond to events (user interactions like clicks or keystrokes).

Real-World Analogy:

  • A car (object) has:
    • Properties: Color, make, model.
    • Method: Drive, brake, turn

Similar in Excel:

  • A worksheet (object) has:
    • Properties: Name, Visible status, tab color.
    • Method: Activate, delete, protect.
    • Event: When it’s selected, changed, on double-clicked.
  1. Object Hierarchy: The Building Blocks

Excel objects are structured hierarchically, meaning objects are organized in a parent-child relationship. For example:

  • Application is the top-level object, representing the Excel Program.
  • Workbook is a child of the Application object, representing an Excel File.
  • Worksheet is a child of a worksheet, representing a sheet within the file.
  • Range is a Child of a worksheet, representing a cell, or group of cells.

Visualization of Hierarchy: (Examples of VBA objects include)

Application (Represents the Excel application as a whole.)

└── Workbooks (Represents a multiple workbook (Excel file))

└── Workbook (Represents a single workbook (Excel file).)

└── Worksheets (Represents a multiple sheet within a workbook.)

└── Worksheet (Represents a single sheet within a workbook.)

└── Range (Represents a cell or group of cells.)

└── Chart (Represents an Excel chart.)

Example of Referring to a Cell:

Application.Workbooks("Book1.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = "Hello"

Application: The Excel program.

Workbooks(“Book1.xlsx”): Refers to the workbook named “Book1.xlsx.”

Worksheets(“Sheet1”): Refers to the sheet named “Sheet1.”

Range(“A1”): Refers to cell A1.

2. Properties, Methods, and Events

  • Properties

A property defines an object’s attributes or characteristics.

  • Example: The Name property of a worksheet defines its name.
VBA Code:

Worksheets("Sheet1").Name = "DataSheet" ' Changes the worksheet's name
  • Methods

A method is an action that can be performed on an object.

  • Example: The Activate method makes a worksheet the active one.
Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate ' Activates the worksheet
  • Events

An event is an action triggered by a user or the system that an object can respond to.

  • Example: The Worksheet_Change event runs when a cell in the worksheet is modified.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

MsgBox "Cell changed!"

End Sub

3. How to Work with Objects

Referencing Objects

Use the dot notation to navigate through the hierarchy and refer to specific objects.

Example (VBA Code):

Application.Workbooks("Report.xlsx").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = "Data"

Using Object Variables

To make your code easier to read and more efficient, assign objects to variables.


Sub UseObjects()

Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")

' Modify properties

ws.Name = "DataSheet" ' Renames the worksheet

' Perform methods

ws.Activate ' Activates the worksheet

End Sub


4. Examples of Common Objects

Workbook Object

Represents an open Excel file.

Workbooks("Sales.xlsx").Save ' Saves the workbook

Worksheet Object

Represents a sheet within a workbook.

ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Name = "Summary" ' Renames the worksheet

Range Object

Represents a cell or group of cells.

Range("A1:B10").Value = "Hello" ' Fills the range with the value "Hello"

Application object

Represents the entire Excel application.

Application.DisplayAlerts = False ‘ Turns off alerts

5. Practical Example: Creating a Simple Report

Here’s a complete VBA macro that demonstrates how to use multiple objects:

Example 1:

Sub CreateReport()

Dim wb As Workbook

Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim rng As Range

' Create a new workbook

Set wb = Workbooks.Add

' Add a worksheet and name it

Set ws = wb.Worksheets(1)

ws.Name = "Report"

' Set a range and insert data

Set rng = ws.Range("A1:C1")

rng.Value = Array("Name", "Date", "Sales") ' Insert headers

' Add data to the range below the headers

ws.Range("A2").Value = "John Doe"

ws.Range("B2").Value = Date ‘Today’s date will come

ws.Range("C2").Value = 5000

' Autofit columns


End Sub


Example 2:

Sub UseObjectVariables()

Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim rng As Range

' Assign objects

Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")

Set rng = ws.Range("A1")

' Perform actions

rng.Value = "Hello, VBA!" ' Set value of cell A1

ws.Activate ' Activate the worksheet

End Sub
  1. Best Practices When Working with Objects
  2. Always declare variables explicitly using Dim and specify their data types. Use Option Explicit to enforce this.
  3. Use Set for object assignments:
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
  1. Fully qualify object references to avoid confusion:
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = "Data"

2. Avoid hardcoding names: Use variables to make your code dynamic.

Dim sheetName As String

sheetName = "Sheet1"



Q and A

  1. What is an Object in Excel VBA?

Answer: In Excel VBA, an object is an entity that can represent a workbook, worksheet, cell range, chart, or other elements of an Excel application. Objects have properties (attributes), methods (actions), and events (responses to user actions). For example, the Workbook object represents an entire workbook, and the Range object represents a cell or a group of cells.

2. What are some common Excel VBA objects?

Answer: The most common Excel VBA objects are:

  • Application: Represents the Excel application as a whole.
  • Workbook: Represents an open Excel file.
  • Worksheet: Represents a single sheet in a workbook.
  • Range: Represents one or more cells in a worksheet.
  • Chart: Represents a chart in Excel.


3. How do you refer to a specific object in Excel VBA?

Answer: You can refer to specific objects using the dot notation. For example:

  • Refer to a specific workbook:
  • Refer to a specific worksheet:
  • Refer to a specific cell range:

4. What are Properties and Methods of an Object in VBA?


  • Properties describe an object’s attributes or characteristics. For example:
Worksheets("Sheet1").Name = "DataSheet" ' Sets the name of the worksheet
  • Methods are actions performed by an object. For example:
Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate ' Activates the sheet

For more understand we can visit on following sites

  1. VBA Object explaination

Related other topics

  1. Learn about Excel VBA Range
  2. Learn about VBA Workbooks Open

VBA file for Download



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