Learn about VBA For Each Loop


Learn about VBA For Each Loop

In VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the For Each…Next loop is used to iterate over all elements in a collection, array, or other data structure like a range of cells. It’s particularly useful when you don’t need to know the index or position of the item, and you just want to process each element in a group.


The basic syntax of a For Each…Next loop is:

element: A variable that represents each item in the collection or array.

group: The collection, range, or array you are iterating over.

Example 1: Loop through a Range of Cells

This example loops through each cell in a specific range:

In this example, the For Each loop processes each cell in the range A1:A5 and doubles its value. (Like if we have A1 value is 2 then result will come 4 in A1)

Example 2: Loop through a Collection of Worksheets

The following loop processes each worksheet in the active workbook

This example loops through all the worksheets in the active workbook and displays the name of each one.

Example 3: Loop through an Array

You can use For Each to loop through arrays as well:

Here, the For Each loop iterates through each item in the array arr and displays the fruit names one by one.

When to Use For Each…Next Loop

  • Collections: For Each is most commonly used with collections like Worksheets, Shapes, Cells, etc.
  • Unknown Number of Items: When the number of items in the collection or range isn’t fixed or known, For Each makes it easier to loop through all items.
  • Readability: For Each loops are often more readable than traditional For loops, especially when you don’t care about the index of each item.
  • Use For Each when working with collections like arrays, ranges, worksheets, workbooks, or other object types.
  • It’s ideal when you don’t need to know the position of each element and just want to process each item.

Q & A

  1. What is the purpose of the For Each loop in VBA?

Answer: The For Each loop in VBA is used to iterate over each item in a collection or array. It simplifies the process by automatically moving through the items without the need to explicitly manage an index.

2. How is the For Each loop different from the standard For loop in VBA?

Answer: In a For loop, you must manually set the starting and ending index, and keep track of the index while looping. In contrast, For Each automatically loops through all elements of a collection or array, and you don’t need to manage indices.

3. Can I modify elements in an array using the For Each loop in VBA?

Answer: No, the For Each loop allows you to access but not modify elements directly in an array. If you need to change values, you should use a regular For loop where you can reference the index of the array.

4. What types of objects or data can I use with a For Each loop?

Answer: The For Each loop can be used with collections (e.g., Worksheets, Workbooks, Shapes), arrays, ranges of cells in Excel, dictionaries, and any other objects that support enumeration.

5. Can I use the For Each loop to iterate in reverse (from the last to the first item)?

Answer: No, the For Each loop does not support reverse iteration. If you need to loop backwards, you should use a regular For loop and control the index manually, starting from the last element and moving toward the first.

For more in-depth coverage on VBA For Each Loops, you can refer to this external resource:

For Each…Next Statement (Microsoft Documentation)


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