Learn about VBA msgbox


Learn about VBA msgbox

In VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), the MsgBox function is used to display a message box to the user. It can include text, buttons, and icons, and it can return a value based on the user’s choice.

Here’s a basic syntax:

MsgBox(prompt, [buttons], [title])


  • prompt: The message you want to display.
  • buttons: (Optional) Specifies which buttons and icon to show. Common options are:
      • vbOKOnly – OK button only
      • vbOKCancel – OK and Cancel buttons
      • vbYesNo – Yes and No buttons
      • vbCritical – Critical icon
      • vbInformation – Information icon
  • title: (Optional) Title of the message box window.

Example 1: Basic Message Box

Example 2: Message Box with Title and Icon

Example 3: Capture User Response

You can use MsgBox to capture the user’s response. For example:

The MsgBox function is versatile for showing prompts and capturing simple user input in VBA.


Q and A 

  1. What is the basic syntax of MsgBox? (How can I display a simple message box with the text “Hello, World!”?)


sub msgdemo()

MsgBox "Hello, World!"

End Sub

2. How do you use MsgBox to display a message with a title? (How can I show a message box with the message “Operation Complete” and the title “Notification”?)


Sub msgbox_1()

MsgBox "Operation Complete", vbInformation, "Notification"

End Sub

3. How do you capture the user’s response to a MsgBox? (How can I display Yes and No buttons and take action based on the user’s choice?)


Sub msgbox_2()
Dim response As VbMsgBoxResult
response = MsgBox("Do you want to continue?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Confirmation")

If response = vbYes Then
MsgBox "You chose Yes."
MsgBox "You chose No."
End If

End Sub

4. How do you include different button types in a MsgBox? (How can I display a MsgBox with Yes, No, and Cancel buttons?)


Sub msgbox_3()

MsgBox "Do you want to save changes?", vbYesNoCancel + vbExclamation, "Save Changes"

End Sub

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For more related material we can go on below topic

1. Excel VBA InStr

2. VBA String Operator

3. VBA Logical Operator

4. VBA Input box


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