Learn about VBA Select Case


Learn about VBA Select Case

The Select Case statement in VBA is used for evaluating an expression against multiple possible values, making it a more readable and efficient alternative to using multiple If…ElseIf statements. It is especially useful when you need to test a single variable or expression against a range of possible outcomes.

Syntax of Select case:

Key Points:

  • Select Case evaluates an expression and runs the code block associated with the matching Case value.
  • Case Else is optional and is used to handle situations where none of the specified Case values match the expression.
  • You can use ranges and multiple values in Case statements, making it quite flexible.

Example 1:

In this example, depending on the value of score, the appropriate message box will display the corresponding rating.

Example 2: Using Select Case with Strings

Here, the value of fruit is evaluated, and the corresponding message box is displayed based on the matched Case

Using Multiple Values in a Case Statement

You can also match multiple values in a single Case by separating them with commas:

In this example, the Select Case statement checks if the value of day is a weekday or weekend and displays an appropriate message.

When to Use Select Case

  • When there are many possible values for a single expression: Select Case makes the code cleaner and more readable compared to multiple If…ElseIf statements.
  • When evaluating ranges: The ability to use ranges makes Select Case more flexible than multiple If statements.

The Select Case statement is an effective tool for making your VBA code concise, structured, and easier to maintain when dealing with multiple possible outcomes

Q & A

  1. What is the Select Case statement used for in VBA?

Answer: The Select Case statement in VBA is used to evaluate an expression against multiple possible values, making it easier to manage multiple conditional branches compared to If…ElseIf statements.

2. How do you use ranges in a Case statement in VBA?

Answer: You can use ranges in a Case statement by specifying a start and end value, separated by To. For example:

3. What is the purpose of Case Else in a Select Case statement?

Answer: The Case Else statement is used to handle any cases that do not match any of the specified Case values. It acts as a default block that ensures your code handles unexpected or unhandled values.

4. Can you match multiple values in a single Case statement in VBA?

Answer: Yes, you can match multiple values in a single Case by separating them with commas. For example:



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