Learning about VBA Len Function


Learning about VBA Len Function

The Len function in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is used to determine the length of a string or the size of a variable. It’s a simple yet powerful function for handling string operations and understanding memory usage in VBA.



expression: The string or variable whose length or size you want to determine.

  • For a string, it returns the number of characters, including spaces.
  • For other variables, it returns the number of bytes used by the variable.


  • The number of characters in a string.
  • The number of bytes required by a variable


Length of a String in VBA Len Function

VBA Code:

Sub example1()

Dim mystring As String

Dim length As String

mystring = "Hello, Mr. Vijay"

length = Len(mystring)

MsgBox "The lenght of the string is: " & length

End Sub

Example 2: Length of a Cell Value n VBA LEN Function

VBA Code:

Sub example2()

Dim cellvalue As String

Dim celllength As Integer

cellvalue = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Value

celllength = Len(cellvalue)

MsgBox "The length is: :" & celllength

End Sub

Example 3: Length of Numbers in VBA LEN Function

VBA Code:

Sub example3()

Dim myNumber As Long

Dim mylength As Integer

myNumber = 123456

mylength = Len(CStr(myNumber)) ' Convert number to string and return 6

MsgBox "My Numbers Length is:" & mylength

End Sub

Example 4: Size of a Variable in VBA Len Function

Sub Example4()

Dim myVariable As Integer

Dim size As Integer

myVariable = 100

size = Len(myVariable) ' Returns 2 (bytes for an Integer type variable)

MsgBox "The size of the variable is: " & size & " bytes"

End Sub

Example 5: Common Use Cases

Validating Input Length in VBA Len Function

Sub ValidateInput()

Dim userInput As String

userInput = InputBox("Enter your name:")

If Len(userInput) = 0 Then

MsgBox "Input cannot be empty!"


MsgBox "Hello, " & userInput

End If

End Sub

Example 6:

Extracting Substrings Dynamically in VBA Len Function

Sub DynamicSubstring()

Dim myString As String

myString = "Excel VBA Tutorial"

MsgBox "Last 7 characters: " & Right(myString, Len(myString) - 10) ' Outputs "Tutorial"

End Sub

Example 7: Counting Characters in a Range in VBA Len Function

Sub CountCharacters()

Dim totalLength As Integer

Dim cell As Range

totalLength = 0

For Each cell In ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A10")

totalLength = totalLength + Len(cell.Value)

Next cell

MsgBox "Total characters in the range: " & totalLength

End Sub


Other topic to read

1.VBA Select Case : The Select Case statement in VBA is used for evaluating an expression against multiple possible values, making it a more readable and efficient alternative to using multiple If…ElseIf statements

2. VBA If Then Else : The If…Then…Else statement in VBA is used to execute different blocks of code based on whether a condition is True or False. It is one of the fundamental control structures used to introduce conditional logic into your code, allowing different actions to be taken depending on the values of variables or expressions



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