Learn about VBA Date Format


Learn about VBA Date Format

In VBA, working with date formats is essential for handling date values accurately in Excel. VBA provides various ways to format dates, either for displaying dates in a specific format or converting strings to date values.

This tutorial will show you “how to format dates using VBA”.

  1. Formatting Dates with Format Function

The Format function in VBA allows you to specify a date format for displaying dates.

  1. Setting Date Format in Excel Cells

To format dates in Excel cells using VBA, you can use the NumberFormat property:

  1. Converting Strings to Dates with CDate

If you have a date in string format, you can use CDate to convert it to a date. VBA will interpret the string based on the system’s regional settings.

  1. Using Predefined Date Constants

VBA has several date constants you can use for setting or comparing dates:

  • Date – Returns today’s date.
  • Now – Returns the current date and time.
  • DateAdd – Adds or subtracts a time interval.
  • DateDiff – Returns the difference between two dates.
  • Year(Date), Month(Date), Day(Date) – Extract the year, month, or day from a date.

Example: Displaying Dates in Various Formats

  1. Using Custom Date Formats with InputBox and MsgBox


  • Use Format to display dates in specific formats.
  • Set cell NumberFormat for date formatting in Excel sheets.
  • Use CDate to convert strings to date values.
  • Predefined date functions like Date, Now, DateAdd, and DateDiff help handle dates programmatically.

For more clarity we can visit on below link

For better understanding we should read below article also.

  1. About String (when we can use string option)
  2. About Date (When we can use Date Option)
  3.  About msgBox ( how msgbox works)

For more knowledge we can visit on below link

  1. Date Function in VBA 


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